11 Jul 2022
Dr. Al Hilfi is currently a Professor in Public health and health profession education at the Madinat Al Elm university / Ministry of Higher education Iraq. Dr. Al Hilfi is the 2019 Award Winner of the NCD United Nations Task Force presented during the UNGA /New York 2019 and was the technical officer at /WHO/EMRO for the last 27 months. Before that, Dr. Thamer was the director of many programs during his work in the WHO office, Baghdad/ Iraq including NCD Road Traffic Accident, Violence against children and women, Cancer and Cancer Registry Program, Director of Tobacco free initiative program, member of the Higher National Iraqi committee for Tobacco control, and the focal point for the cluster committee of Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for IDPs and emergency coordinator. He led the main national surveys in Iraq including GYTS for tobacco use among adolescent, NCD-STEP Survey, and the I-PSM (Iraq Public Sector Modernization). Dr. Al Hilfi was the head of the community medicine department and family medicine 2004 - 2014, the director and initiator of the Postgraduate Diploma studies in medical education, and moreover, the director of the accreditation and quality assurance unit in the main educational institution in Iraq, Al Kindy College of Medicine / University of Baghdad. Moreover, he was the former Acting Chief of Party/ Primary Health Care Project (PHCP) /USAID where he sets standards, systems, protocols, and benchmarks for quality assured continuing medical education and continuing professional development. He is the first-ever Iraqi with a higher degree in medical education. He also represents his country in national, regional, and international projects and conferences and is the Vice President of the leading committee for Iraqi CCM’s (Country Coordinated Mechanism) steering committee for implementing the global fund program for Iraqi activities related to Malaria, AIDs, and Tuberculosis. He was also the Audit & Finance committee /Global Fund (GF), and the Alternative board member who represent the EMRC (Eastern Mediterranean Region Committee in the GF /Board meetings. (2013-16) He was the Senior National Professional Officer /OIC/WHO-Baghdad office providing support to the project team in Baghdad for the achievement of the objectives of Iraq Public Sector Modernization (I-PSM), and roadmap for the modernization of the health sector in Iraq, in addition to providing technical support to NCD (including mental health), and injuries program. He Provided support to the project team in Baghdad for the achievement of the objectives of I-PSM and the roadmap for the modernization of the health sector in Iraq as well as managed the day-to-day work related to project implementation, support the development and ensure effective implementation of the project work plan by collecting and analyzing information on problems faced in I-PSM and recommend effective and timely solutions, Coordinate regularly with members of the Modernization Unit in MOH and the Ministerial Advisory Committee and other national stakeholders including national committees, sub committees and taskforces, to ensure harmonization in activities of I-PSM , and Provide technical support to NCD by working closely with the government counterparts ,Represent WHO in meetings with senior government officials as well as multi-lateral and bi- lateral agencies, advocate and promote WHO program goals and objectives, and communicate with major partners on organizational policies, Prepare and deliver periodic reports to the Program Manager on the progress in activities of IPSM in the Health sector, Identify and contribute to the recruitment of qualified specialized expertise in various aspects of I-PSM as needed; and provide support to the missions of external experts, Contribute to implementing program work plans, monitor compliance and provide training, support and guidance to the program team especially in the area of PHC in order to meet objectives , Maintain regular working relations in related areas of Health system particularly at PHC level with Government officials, stakeholders, UN agencies and NGO’s to ensure better coordination and program implementation , Undertake oversight field visits and reviews to monitor and evaluate implementation, identify bottlenecks, propose and authorize remedial action in the field related to I-PSM, NCD and PHC programs. Propose and decide on alternative courses of action to accelerate/improve service delivery and ensure capacity building and program sustainability, Facilitate the implementation of JPRM by periodically reviewing the programmatic activities with program managers and WHO Technical Officers Most of his research papers and publications have been related to NCD., DCD., Methodology, and Accreditation/ Quality processes in educational programs of Iraqi schools.
Medical degrees and Professional expertise MBChB. General Medicine & Surgery. (1986) Diploma in Community Medicine: Baghdad University/College of medicine. (1991) Iraqi Board community medicine /Medical College of Baghdad University (1997) Master’s degree in medical and Health Profession education/Ismailia Suez Canal University in coordination with University of Maastricht 2006-2007 John Hopkins University, Bloomberg School 2008, Courses on Health Emergency in Large Population (HELP), Epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, and communication courses Fellow Ship Through Distinctions –FFPH (Royal College /UK)-2011
Medical & Health Profession Education expertise 1. Master degree in Health Profession education, Suez Canal University, Egyp in cooperation with Maastricht University/Netherland. 2. Initiator of the post graduate Diploma in medical education/ Al Kindy College of Medicine/Baghdad University 2008 3. Rapporteur of the National Accreditation committee for MOHE ,2008 4. Rapporteur of the National Health education Ministry of Health,2016 5. Leading the workshops and medical accreditation activities for both MOH/MOHE in coordination with WHO 6. Member of National and Regional committees for Health Profession education 7. Contributing to many publications and events as indicated in the below CV 8. Editorial Board of Journal of Madenat Alelem University College, ISSN: 2073-2295 (Print), ISSN: 2664-5521 (Online), 21/12/2022 9. Director of Health for All Center, NGO/Iraq/Baghdad
Medical degrees and Professional expertise MBChB. General Medicine & Surgery. (1986) Diploma in Community Medicine: Baghdad University/College of medicine. (1991) Iraqi Board community medicine /Medical College of Baghdad University (1997) Master’s degree in medical and Health Profession education/Ismailia Suez Canal University in coordination with University of Maastricht 2006-2007 John Hopkins University, Bloomberg School 2008, Courses on Health Emergency in Large Population (HELP), Epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, and communication courses Fellow Ship Through Distinctions –FFPH (Royal College /UK)-2011 Medical & Health Profession Education expertise 1. Master degree in Health Profession education, Suez Canal University, Egyp in cooperation with Maastricht University/Netherland. 2. Initiator of the post graduate Diploma in medical education/ Al Kindy College of Medicine/Baghdad University 2008 3. Rapporteur of the National Accreditation committee for MOHE ,2008 4. Rapporteur of the National Health education Ministry of Health,2016 5. Leading the workshops and medical accreditation activities for both MOH/MOHE in coordination with WHO 6. Member of National and Regional committees for Health Profession education 7. Contributing to many publications and events as indicated in the below CV 8. Editorial Board of Journal of Madenat Alelem University College, ISSN: 2073-2295 (Print), ISSN: 2664-5521 (Online), 21/12/2022 9. Director of Health for All Center, NGO/Iraq/Baghdad
Scientific Awards & letters of Appreciation 1. Middle East Doctor of the Year 2006/Awarded by Middle East Journal of Family Medicine (MEJFM) /January 2007. 2. Fellowship Degree through Distinction (FFPH- Birmingham University in coordination with Royal College/London/2011) 3. WHO Reward of excellence 2016 4. The 2019 Award Winner of the NCD United Nations Task Force presented during the UNGA /New York 2019. The Award is presented for the best NCD program achievement in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Country offices. 5. Distinction grade membership certificate Faculty, of Public Health/ Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom, 5 August 2011 6. letters of appreciation and thanks from MOHE, MOH, and Medical and Health Professional colleges in Iraq for presenting and contributing to different workshops and Iraqi and National conferences with a total number of Nine letters. 7. letter of appreciation for his efforts and work in Hadramout University/College of medicine and health professions/HUCOM/ Hadramout-Yemen, 2002 8. Letter of appreciation from students of HUCOM for excellence, HUCOM, 2001-2002 9. Letter of appreciation from Iraqi family planning society 2001 10. letter of appreciation from the Iraqi Society of Radiology for the efforts 11. letter of appreciation from Baghdad medical college/ MOHE for his scientific contribution 12. letter of appreciation from the medical syndicate for his efforts during the 33-conference event. 13. letter of appreciation for his contribution to the 7th Medical scientific conference of Al Nahrain college of medicine. 14. Letter of appreciation for contributing to the New advances in Nursing by Kufa College of Nursing 15. Appreciation letter from the Nursing College/ Babylonian University, 22/03/2016 16. Letter of appreciation from the Iraqi Pediatric Society for the valuable contribution to the 4th International Conference in collaboration with the Union of Arab Pediatric Society (UAPS) 17. Letter of Appreciation from Al Kafil College of Nursing for the contribution to the conference on Migration and displacement (24-25 February 2018) 18. Initiating the Climbing Stair approach in the stairs of the Iraqi MOH 2017, as part of Healthy life approaches. 19. Letter of appreciation for presenting and contributing to the COP 27 symposium, Baet Al Hikma, Baghdad, 22/12/2022
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